A Personal Update

If you are receiving this email, it is because our paths have crossed over this 13 year yoga journey of mine and I thank you for that…. Resiliency through change is certainly something our yoga practice has helped us all with and I’m honored to have shared and been witness to our individual and collective resiliency. 

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Falling Back to Yoga

This morning is a Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This is a time of Release, of Revelation, of Completion. An ending of cycles so that we might start anew. Themes of value, home, The final revelation of the barren tree, whose leaves have all dropped to now compost and feed new life, new growth and new intentions.

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Despite the lingering temperatures reminding us of the ever-warming summers, Fall is technically upon us. It’s that funny in-between place really. Where it’s not yet fully sweater weather, but the feet get cold a bit quicker. The mornings are lazier, foggier, but the birds haven’t quite given up on their summer songs. Change is amidst us, in that way that can be a bit unsettling, a bit surprising, and a bit hard to plan for.

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